Press Release: 2019 Racing Activities

Undoubtedly 2019 is going to be a very exciting racing year for me.

We have decided to compete in selective races at the NASCAR Whelen Euro Series, the Italian Mini Challenge 2019 and Peter Auto historic classic car events.



First stop Valencia , Spain on April 13th. ( NASCAR Whelen Euro Series )

Stay tuned!!!

2019 Racing Activities Schedule to be announced next week

Hopefully, for 2019 my circuit life will be very interesting. At the same time my academic obligations are very serious too, and this constitutes one more challenge.

My friends stay tuned, news are going to be thrilling!!




ASMA athletic association award


I would like to extend a warm thank you to my athletic association ASMA for awarding me for my motosport achievements in 2018.


Thomas Krasonis

Press Release: Racing Year 2019

New years resolutions are behind us and decisions had to be made regarding 2019.

So, I am in the happy position to confirm that I will be following the Mini Challenge Italia 2019 Championship. I do use the term confirm and not announce since many of our friends guessed our decision some time ago.

This year, V Team Project will be taking care of my Mini JCW Challenge Lite car and of course Stelios Fakalis will be my team manager.



But stay tuned, because God willing there will also be other racing activities for me to participate this year.

I will keep you posted as soon as possible.


Thomas Krasonis

Happy New Year

2018 is almost gone!

An amazing adrenaline filled year, that gave me the opportunity to participate in a major European cup, to meet so many interesting people and make new friends and “brothers in arms”.



2019 is coming!

Krasonis Racing Team wishes to all of you a Happy New Year from the bottom of our hearts!


NASCAR Test in Brescia


Returning from the long awaited NASCAR test, I do feel the need to share with you my thoughts about it.

NASCAR racing may be one of the most pleasant driving experiences I had the opportunity to live in my racing life. The car is pretty heavy (1.500 kgs) but has enough power (around 450 BHP) that allows it to overcome inertia and be transformed into a small rocket in the circuit. There is a constant tendency to spin on the exit of every turn, and more than adequate power is always present even in low revs, offering to its driver a brutal acceleration that has to be anticipated and tamed in order to avoid unwelcome and embarrassing series of uncontrollable spins.



To cut a long story short, I would love to be behind the wheel of a NASCAR racing car again, since it offers a wonderful mix of speed and adrenaline, along with degrees of difficulty that challenge a racing driver who tries to drive this beast to the limit.


PS I was delighted to have the honor to meet in person the legendary Jacques Villeneuve.

A night in Athens with Andrea Tronconi

#99 meeting #78

Fellow mini challenge pilot and brother in arms Andrea Tronconi, met with Thomas and they had some leisure time together, during an Athens business trip of Andrea in November 2018.

Getting ready for NASCAR test


Less than a month ahead of us, for the NASCAR WHELEN EURO Series test in Brescia Autodromo di Franciacorta, Italy.


An American taste of motorsport. Looking forward to it!!


Visiting MINI stand in AUTOKINISI Expo 2018

Getting ready for the NASCAR WHELEN Euro Series test next month and taking a break from studying, I visited the MINI official stand at AUTOKINISI car expo 2018.

NASCAR WHELEN Euro Series Test

A real surprise awaiting in my inbox coming back from Monza!

An invitation from NASCAR Europe series and Alex Caffi to sit behind the wheel of a Euro NASCAR car and try out for the new racing season (2019).

Of course I accepted!