
Thomas Krasonis: “All set for new podiums”

Thomas Krasonis is fully committed to his goal, which is none other than to claim both titles in the categories in which he participates. “We travel to Italy with a clear goal: our first victories of the season. Being on the podium in the first three days of racing this season was just the beginning. We have prepared very well in the time between Valencia and Vallelunga. Even during the Holy Days of Easter, we didn’t get complacent in order to continue even more strongly what we started in Valencia,” said the Greek driver.

He continued: “Valellunga is a favourite track for me. I know it very well, as I have been racing there for many years. It is a difficult and demanding track, which includes fast and technical sections. During the winter, together with our team, we worked closely on areas such as immediate reactions if something happens right in front of us. And this work showed in Valencia, when we avoided very unpleasant situations that unfolded right in front of us. We are ready for new pedestals”.

Thomas Krasonis concluded by saying that “a very important part of success is the excellent cooperation of all team members. We have an excellent cooperation with Marko Stipp Motorsport, which is now well into its second season. The car in Valencia worked extremely well, which is very important in order to be able to achieve our goals”.

NASCAR GP UK 2022: Next stop – Brands Hatch!

The 2021 NASCAR Euro Whelen Series continues this weekend at the Brands Hatch circuit, and Thomas Krasonis will be competing in the EuroNASCAR PRO category, with Αcademy MotorSport.

It’s been a lengthy break between the opening race weekend in Valencia to this coming weekend in England, West Kingsdown.

The 1.944 km circuit is the Indy version of Brands Hatch. Situated in the southeast of England, it offers a unique challenge for the monstrous NASCAR machines, with just 6 corners, all but one being right handers.

After the first two races of the season, Thomas Krasonis is at the P12 in the standings, after his impressive comeback in both races at Circuit Ricardo Tormo.

‘Brands Hatch is definitely the most exciting race for me personally,’ said Thomas Krasonis.

‘For one, it’s my favorite circuit on the calendar, and secondly, I have had my best ever finish in the series there. Therefore I am looking forward to race again in British ground in a high level competition once again.’

Find below the full schedule of the race weekend, which you can watch on EuroNASCAR’s YouTube channel.

NASCAR GP Spain – Race 1: A comeback race for Thomas Krasonis

Thomas Krasonis climbed up 8 positions at the first race of the 2022 EuroNASCAR season in Valencia.

After a difficult qualifying session, during which Thomas didn’t manage to qualify in a better position other than P24, Race 1 in the Ricardo Tormo track was a comeback one.

Despite the three Safety Car periods and lots of tough battles, Thomas didn’t put a foot wrong and managed to climb up to P16, gaining 8 positions on track.

The #1 car of Academy MotorSport proved feisty around the 4 km track in Spain, and we’ll have to wait and see in which position will Thomas start Sunday’s Race 2, since the starting grid for this race is formed by each driver’s fastest lap.

You can watch Sunday’s race here:

Photo Credits: NASCAR Whelen Euro Series / Stephane Azemard


Thirty days to go: Thomas Krasonis previews the new EuroNASCAR season

-How has the preparation gone for the upcoming season?

So far I have only prepared physically and in the 22nd of April I will go to Italy for the first on track testing of the season, for which I am very excited for.

-What’s the biggest difference between the Elite 2 category and the PRO one?

In the EuroNASCAR 2 category, young drivers and new entries test their skills in the championship, while EuroNASCAR Pro is full of professional drivers who race in order to make the next step, which is for most of us is NASCAR in the USA.

-What do you look forward doing behind the wheel the most?

I don’t know exactly. Honestly, there are many things I want to see and test. For sure, I want to race in some of my favorite circuits again and I am really looking forward for the British GP in Brands Hatch

-How does it feel to have the full backing of the team, especially after taking this promotion?

I feel honored and obliged to do my best for the team and repay their trust in me with the best possible results. It’s an amazing feeling to have this much trust from them.

-Any early goals set?

Without a doubt, finishing on the top 10 of the final standings in the ultimate goal, and we’ll work towards that for the whole season.

Photo Credits: NASCAR Whelen Euro Series / Klemen Sofric

EuroNASCAR Italy – Race 2: A final full of overtakes!

Thomas Krasonis signs off this year’s EuroNASCAR championship with a solid P10 position at Vallelunga.

Having started from P16 for the second race of the weekend at Autodromo Vallelunga, Thomas had set a clear goal of passing as many cars as possible, to get a good points’ haul and improve his championship position.

And he did just that, right from the start.

He had a much cleaner and tactical race than Saturday, and managed to climb up 4 places by lap 10, sitting in P12.

Around that time, Tobias Dauenhauer did a mistake and went off track, and when he got back on it, he lost a lot of time, allowing Thomas to catch and pass him in a matter of seconds.

Lanza was attacking Thomas for the next couple of laps, pressuring the Greek driver into making a mistake. However, in a twist of irony, Lanza was the one who made an error, meaning Thomas was able to finish P11.

After the race, a penalty from one of the drivers who passed the checkered flag in front of him promoted him onto P10, for a solid top 10 result.

That was the end of a long season in the EuroNASCAR championship, which started on May 15 and finished 5 months later.

Thomas finishes in P13 in the final standings.

Last but not least, congratulations to Martin Dubek for the EuroNASCAR 2 title. Well deserved!

EuroNASCAR Italy – Race 1: P12 on a rollercoaster race for Thomas Krasonis

Thomas Krasonis got P12 in Race 1 at Autodromo Vallelunga, in an up-and-down 60 km run with lots of overtakes and a Safety Car period.

This year’s EuroNASCAR championship ends at Vallelugna, outside Rome, and the goal was and is the same: a finishing position at the top 10.

Thomas started Race 1 from P16, and what was about to happen for the next 15 laps was an amazing rollercoaster of events.

He climbed up to P15 after the first couple of laps, and after that, he lost some ground battling it out with the other drivers. That meant he lost 3 positions, going back to P18 for the better part of the race.

However, with 5 laps remaining, #56 lost the control of his car, unable to continue, meaning that the Safety Car had to go out and set the pace while the track was cleared of the stationed car.

Thomas took advantage of the situation and got back to P15, just before the SC was deployed.

After it left the track, and with just 2 laps remaining, he managed to grab 3 more positions to finish in P12, securing a +6-finishing position on the results.

In a grid that is so competitive, with everyone trying to get every inch of advantage they can, this result is one to hold on.

Photo Credits: NASCAR Whelen Euro Series / Klemen Sofric

NASCAR GP Italy Preview – The grand finale!

It’s been a long season, and it’s coming to its end at this weekend’s double race at Autodromo Vallelunga Piero Taruffi.

After a long EuroNASCAR season, Thomas Krasonis and Academy MotorSport will conclude the 2021 championship at the Vallelunga circuit.

Situated near Rome, the 4,085 km-track is a unique challenge for the big NASCAR cars – especially on the last 5 turns, on the most technical and slow part of the circuit.

Thomas sat down with us to talk about the last race of the season and his championship so far.

How well do you know the Vallelunga circuit?

‘I have raced at Vallelunga in the past, and recently I tested there with my car, so I can say that I know it pretty well. I feel comfortable driving in it.’

How do you evaluate your season so far?

‘I believe I could have a better position in the standings othen than P13, since I have finished in 3 races less than most other drivers. Nevertheless, I am happy that I am at a competitive level, and I gather experience for 2022.’

Finally, what would you like to improve upon after Zolder?

‘I would like to have better pace at Vallelunga, so I can have the chance to get a strong result, since it’s the last race of the season and I want to give it everything. I will approach this race with ease and I will try to be as close to the guys at the front as possible.’

The schedule for the race weekend (Local Italian Time):

Saturday, October 30

Qualifying – 10:25

Race 1 – 16:35

Sunday, October 31

Race 2 – 10:30

EuroNASCAR Belgium – Race 2: Points for Thomas Krasonis at Zolder

Thomas Krasonis finished once again in the points at Race 2 of the NASCAR GP Belgium.

Thomas Krasonis leaves Circuit Zolder with a double point finishing result.

He started Sunday’s Race 2 from P18 and managed to repeat the feat from Saturday’s Race 1, and climb up the order as he went.

Two Safety Car periods disrupted the flow of the race, but Thomas never lost his focus and continued to push, as all the drivers are fighting towards the end of this exciting campaign.

In 15-lap race, he managed to get 5 positions and finish in P12, securing once again some valuable points to achieve his goal, which is to finish the season in the top 10 of the overall standings.

Next up is the NASCAR GP Italy, the final round of the season, at Autodromo di Vallelunga.

Credits: NASCAR Whelen Euro Series / Bart Dehaese

EuroNASCAR Belgium – Race 1: Strong finish with 7 places gained at Zolder

Thomas Krasonis finished P12 in Race 1 at Circuit Zolder, gaining 7 places from his starting position.

It was a good race for Thomas Krasonis, who starts to return to form at the Dutch round of this year’s EuroNASCAR championship.

Having qualified P19, Thomas had set his sights on a points’ finishing position, and that mindset did pay off.

He gained 2 positions quickly, having settled on P17 after two laps.

After a few uneventful laps, Thomas pushed forward and started applying pressure to those in front of him.

Eventually, he went on to take P12, which a 7-position improvement to his qualifying result.

The starting grid for Race 2 will be formed from the fastest lap of each driver on the first race of the weekend.

You can catch all the action following the link below:

Credits: NASCAR Whelen Euro Series / Bart Dehaese

NASCAR GP Belgium Preview – Finishing in the top-10 the goal for Thomas Krasonis at Zolder

Circuit Zolder hosts the penultimate round of the 2021 EuroNASCAR season, and Thomas Krasonis is ready for it.

At Heusden-Zolder lies a track that holds a lot of history, passion and despair.

Having opened its gates in 1963, the Circuit Terlamen (as its also known) is a 4.010 km and 10-turn track, which has hosted F1 Grand Prix, DTM races and GT endurance races.

And now, it’s the host of the NASCAR GP Belgium in the NASCAR Whelen Euro Series – and a track that Thomas knows from his 2019 campaign in this championship.

After a difficult weekend last time out at Grobnik, Thomas Krasonis is ready to tackle Zolder, and get some valuable points for the drivers’ and teams’ standings.

As ever, a top-10 finish is the goal set by the Greek driver, who is going head on to face a new, but certainly not unknown challenge.

The schedule for the race weekend (Local Belgian Time):

Saturday, October 9

Qualifying – 10:40

Race 1 – 17:10

Sunday, October 10

Race 2 – 11:20

Photo Credits: NASCAR Whelen Euro Series / Klemen Sofric